"Your level of success will seldom exceed your level of personal development. Because success is something you attract by the person you become."
For one thing, I think it has made me reflect on my level of success more than it has on my personal development. That is most likely a natural response which makes me think I need to re-evaluate my view of it.
Let me just paint a picture of me for you fist of all.
I work for a large global corporation. I am very mechanically minded but happened to land an electrical job early on and stuck with it. I have learned a lot about electricity and more about controls. I am now moving in the direction of a Controls Engineer through a Design position.
I have been going to work every day for 8 years now believing I was living up to my potential. If someone asked me why I get up every morning and go to work, I would probably tell them it is something I have to do to pay my bills. I wouldn't really know why, it was just a routine.
Now I am still doing the same thing but am at the point where I just feel drained and stuck. I have also developed a false sense of security. I have a strong work ethic and am a valuable employee, but that doesn't mean that the company will not let me go at the drop of a hat and stop paying me. Especially when a young manager comes in with his own agenda and thinks he is going to change everything and make things better. That may mean letting some people go.
Lately I have learned that this security is false. I have live with a metaphorical lid on my potential and developed skills for a company and not myself. Through my new journey, I am learning to develop skill that will benefit me and in turn benefit any company I work for.
My daily routing has changed quite a bit. Every morning I work on my "self" by meditation, affirmation, visualization, reading, and exercise and then finishing up my day by journalling. So now instead of investing in a company, I am investing in myself first.
I challenge you today to think about your everyday routine. Are you ending your day feeling fulfilled by what you do during the day, or do you feel drained. You can't treat people with respect when you get home if you don't have that respect for yourself.
Remember your past was at one time your everyday!
Paid to Exist
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