I listen to a lot of personal development audio. One of the ideas I kept hearing was about how to keep your sights on you end goal. They always say that the end goal will help drive your every step towards that goal. So I wanted to give a little write up today about an analogy that has helped me learn this principle.
As I was leading the stretching portion of our Saturday morning men's fitness group, I noticed a lot of people struggling to keep their balance especially during the standing quad stretch. This is a stretch where you stand on one leg, reach back with both hands and grab your other foot behind you. You have to pull up as far as you can to get a good stretch on your quadriceps. But this is very difficult for some people, so I instructed them to take the opposite arm and use it to point to an object at least 15ft in front of them and keep their focus on that object. Everyone was amazed at their balance and how easy it was by using that technique.
I think this principle is especially true even in our everyday efforts moving towards our goal. Think about it for a moment, if you keep focusing on the events around your current action you can get distracted very easily. I was working on my business papers one night and a thought popped into my mind about how I could resolve an issue on the Porsche Cayenne I am working on. So I thought I would take a second to do a little research. I ended up not getting my paperwork done and not even getting the research I needed to complete. If I was to keep my focus on the paperwork, I would have gotten everything done I needed to that night.
So take a few moments and ask yourself if you are getting distracted, or if you are completing all your steps to get to your goal. I would say that the majority of our issues with not getting some things done is little distractions.
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