Tuesday, January 27, 2015


This has been a topic that has been on my mind lately. In the effort to reach a higher standard each day, there seams to be a constant struggle to just stop. Let me explain a little bit.

I have studied the great minds of the past and today, and they all developed their own person-hood by habits. But these are not the habits that most people think of when they hear the word. These habits normally consist of daily rituals such as:

  1. Meditation
  2. Affirmation
  3. Visualization
  4. Exercise
  5. Read
  6. Journal
Among the most notable leaders, these were consistently brought up. Les Brown once said "You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great."

Doing this every day can become monotonous if you see these activities as existential. For those who constantly live in the future these are not activities in and of themselves, they are stepping stones that carry them upward.

But like I said, there seams to be a force that tugs at you to just slow down a bit an enjoy life. People can get caught up in life as it is in the moment and become complacent. This is what is know as becoming stagnant.

Like water in a pond or a swimming pool, bacteria will start to grow because of the perfect environment. There is nothing to disrupt the growth of bacteria.

Nobody is attracted to a scummy pond. This is a very good representation of what can happen to our character if we choose to take anything that is given to us. When we choose to do nothing and relax all the time instead of making a choice to love life and grow, we have no other choice but to blame ourselves. 

Unfortunately this has been the story of my life thus far. Until about 8-9 months ago. I am making constant strides to become someone better every day.

Some day I will leave the corporate world and add value to other people lives and in turn become financially free. Right now my goal is to learn as much as I can and become that person who is strong enough to make several failures and grow from them.

One way is by listening to podcasts that show you how to do this such as Entrepreneur on Fire.

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