You are probably familiar with the law "An object in motion stays in motion until acted upon by a foreign object." This is one of those principles I have found works in may areas of life. I find that many principles can be applicable to areas or circumstances that we face. Usually you use this law in physics and can easily apply it to the physical world around us. But have you ever applied it to your own life and the direction you are heading?
I want to share a couple of observances I have recently made. For one, my wife has been reversing some of her ways of thinking and really applying it to life. I listen to a lot of podcasts and try to learn as much as I can as much as I can. So I am moving in the direction of working for myself and trying to get to the point of being financially independent. I am constantly moving forward toward my goals, but it becomes very difficult when your life partner doesn't want to ride that train just yet. But I have noticed the past few months how my wife is accepting the offer and striving to become that leader God has created her to be. She is stepping out and taking risks and making better choices. It is evident in our kids and our relationships with friends.
Another observance is my dad. If you are familiar with Rich Dad, Poor Dad you will understand when I say that he has grown up with the Poor Dad mentality. "Go to school and get good grades so you can get a good job." I had an argument not too long ago about how to get ahead in life an not struggle to make the payments and keep up with life. It was an argument that I don't think I will ever forget because of what I said to him. While he was telling me what I need to be doing to get ahead in life I jumped out and said "and look at where that philosophy got you. You are still operating on the same philosophy a degree and your background determines your income!" There was a long period of silence, but I broke it with a determined "You are smart and so much more worth the credit that you give yourself because of this belief in school credentials or work history!" I have felt bad about saying that to him, but I have never regretted it.
Just the other day, I asked him to go to this networking meeting for real estate investors. He was way out of place and felt very uncomfortable. I called him and forgot he was at the event. He text me later and told me how uncomfortable he really was. I tried to encourage him and tell him to at least meet some people and make some contacts. Afterwards he called me and talked about what he had learned and the contacts he created. I was very proud at that moment to hear that he was stepping out of his box to try something new. He is really starting to break some barriers in his old ways of thinking.
So I mostly wanted to encourage you to never give up even if you feel you are paddling upstream. People will see the progress you are making and start taking those same steps. But don't do it for them, do it for you.
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