My wife was reading an article to me this morning that she thought was interesting. It was another article about becoming successful in life. But this was a little different, although it was an article focusing on real estate investing it discussed why we should be balanced. Some people may become great at their finances but they are overweight, tired, depressed, have poor relationships or even addicted to drugs. They could be the healthiest person you know physically but have no spouse and can't hold a relationship. Finding that balance in life is essential to live a happy life.
If you look around us and try to understand the way things work, how they connect with each other, or how they are made, you will begin to see how incredibly balanced this universe is. You will notice how things will go bad when they are out of balance as well. Just look at our world economy and how unbalanced it is right now.
A holistic doctor treats the whole body. Not just in nutrition but they understand how our bodies cells are connected and how things like stress can impact them. Most of them are chiropractors or were at one time. I dare you to compare the success rate of a good holistic doctor compared to the medical field we have now. I'm sure you will find startling results.
Even though I am going to school for computer engineering, I view it only as an avenue to help me become a better person. I probably won't even use the degree for a career. It is teaching me commitment and discipline. I am also learning as much as I can about health and wellness, business, real estate, parenting, God, and leadership. I listen to podcasts or audio-books while driving or at work. I am leaning a lot along the way about balancing my life. That includes my time.
I have such a passion for learning and becoming a great leader that I get so frustrated that I have to sleep and there are not enough hours in the day to get the things done that I think I need to. But that is a part of learning to balance my time. I can see the effects of my growth and I know that I am heading down the right path to be successful, so I have to sit back some times and re-evaluate where I am spending my time. That is why I have such a hard time coming to my corporate job. I am just trading time for money right now.
I know my articles are a little unorganized right now, but the more I do this the better I will become. I can tell you that I have become a much more joyful person since I have worked towards a balanced life. Although I am busy, I am getting better at using my time wisely for the priorities in life.
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